This was the first sunny Friday afternoon of the year and maybe a little suggestion of brighter days ahead. This has been a very tough start to the year for so many people but it seems to me reasonable to hope that sunnier times might be around the corner. I took this picture on Exmouth Market just now.

The vaccine programme means that we are able to start thinking about opening things up again. I am now able to offer in--person counselling appointments again in Clerkenwell, for instance, and I'm optimistic that this will continue to be the case.
Schools going back on March 8 will be welcome news for many parents, and I guess we all just have to hope that the Covid and un-locking plan goes as planned.
In terms of mental health, lots of people have been having a hard time. I think it's worth acknowledging how resilient we have been. For some people, the hope of things 'getting back to normal' over the next few months will be just the boost they need. For some others, the lockdown lifting will bring its own challenges. Just because life is opening up, doesn't mean that there won't be worries, anxieties, confusion and sadness. But talking can help.
I took this picture below, also on Exmouth Market, earlier this month. Life changes, and sometimes it can change for the better.
